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Tulsipublicschool@123's blog

Ways to Support Your Child’s Sense of Self and Individuality

Parents always want their children to be raised as unique human beings. During their teen years, children grow a very strong potential to discover themselves. So, it is the best phase for your child when you can support your teen in developing their sense of self and individuality. It is because this is the time when children wish to establish their unique identity among their family and peers as individuals.

Nurturing Excellence in Ambala | Best School in Ambala

Welcome to Tulsi Public School, Ambala City’s most esteemed educational institution and one of the Best School in Ambala. With its commitment to academic excellence, holistic development, and fostering the next generation of global citizens, Tulsi Public School stands apart as a beacon of quality education. Let’s take a closer look at what makes this school unique.

Leading the Way with Remarkable Firsts in Education

Welcome to Tulsi Public School, one of the premier Schools in Ambala city committed to providing quality education and transforming students into total quality persons. At TPS Ambala, we recognize the importance of value-based education and view it as a paramount component of our curriculum. In this blog, we will explore how value-based education forms the foundation of our school, creating a nurturing and supportive environment that prepares students to become tomorrow’s leaders.

Discover the strategies for effective learning retention

Learning is not just about absorbing information; it’s about retaining and applying that knowledge over time. In the dynamic landscape of education, mastering strategies for effective learning retention is the key to academic success. In this blog post, Tulsi Public School, Ambala the Best School in Ambala will delve into valuable techniques that empower learners to retain information more efficiently, fostering a deeper understanding and application of what they study.

Five Benefits of Physical Education | Best CBSE School in Ambala

Physical Education (PE) plays a vital role in the overall development of students. It provides an opportunity to engage in physical activities that promote physical fitness, improve motor skills and enhance mental and emotional well-being. In this blog, Tulsi Public School, one of the best Schools in Ambala City, will explore the five key benefits of Physical Education in schools and why it should be an essential part of every student’s curriculum.

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