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Why You Should Seek the Help of a Semi Truck Accident Lawyer

If you or someone you love has been injured in a truck accident, you should seek the help of a semi truck accident lawyer. A qualified attorney can maximize the compensation you receive for your medical bills, lost wages and other losses.
Depending on the circumstances, your case may settle or go to trial. Your lawyer will explain the pros and cons of each option so that you can make an informed decision.
Investigate the Crash
After an accident, it is important to investigate it as quickly as possible. Vital evidence may be lost if it is not documented shortly after the crash.
The first step in the investigation is collecting information from witnesses and other parties at the scene. This includes photos and statements.
This can also include obtaining cell phone records and toxicology results. These records can help establish the truck driver’s alcohol and drug levels.
An experienced semi truck accident lawyer can help you with this process and ensure that all evidence is collected to support your claim. They will also work with experts who can strengthen your case.
Seek Medical Attention
A crash with a semi truck can be devastating for anyone involved. Even those who appear fine at the scene can develop serious injuries that could lead to permanent disability, or even death.
Whiplash is one of the most common types of injuries that victims suffer from following a truck accident. It can cause back pain, neck pain, and headaches.
Traumatic brain injury, internal bleeding, broken bones, and other injuries can also be a significant concern. These symptoms might not be present immediately after the accident, but they can deteriorate and become more severe as time passes.
If you experience any of these symptoms, make sure to seek medical attention right away. This will preserve your health and help to establish a strong case for compensation.
Hire a Lawyer
When you’ve been injured in a truck accident, it’s important to hire a lawyer who can help you recover. A qualified semi truck accident attorney will guide you through the process and make sure you receive full compensation for your injuries.
The value of a settlement involving a semi truck accident depends on numerous factors, including the severity of your injuries and whether you or someone else was killed in the crash.
Insurance companies and large commercial trucking companies are notorious for attempting to pressure victims into settling their cases quickly, before they’ve hired an attorney to protect their rights.
Contact the Authorities
After a truck accident, it’s important to contact the authorities right away. This will ensure that help arrives quickly and can provide assistance to you, your passengers, and anyone else who might be injured or in need of medical attention.
If you have any witnesses, ask them to stay and give a statement to the police. This can be extremely helpful in your case since it’s unbiased and gives eyewitness reports of what happened during the crash.
It’s also important to speak with your insurance company about the accident. However, be careful about what you say to the insurance company representative, as they may try to twist your statements in order to minimize their liability and reduce your compensation amount.
Gather Evidence
Unlike other car accident cases, it can be difficult to collect evidence in semi truck accidents. Injured victims need a lawyer who knows how to gather the most important evidence to support their claim for compensation.
Proving who was at fault in a semi truck accident can be complicated because there are so many different parties to consider.
This is why it’s so vital to act quickly after the crash and obtain all of the information you can. Take photos of the scene before any clean-up crews arrive, get the names and contact information for eyewitnesses, and keep an accurate record of your injuries.
Keep Records
In the aftermath of a trucking accident, there are many key records that need to be collected and preserved. An attorney can help sort through these records and make use of them to build a strong case.
Federal and state laws require drivers to keep detailed logs of their time behind the wheel, including driving hours, rest periods, dispatch calls and other work-related activities. These logs can be incredibly valuable in a personal injury claim against the driver or the trucking company.
In addition to the truck driver's logbooks, other relevant records can include maintenance and service records. If a trucking company failed to properly maintain or repair the truck, this can be crucial evidence in proving negligence and liability.