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Why You Should Make Your Own Curtains

Submitted by thomas on Thu, 03/30/2017 - 01:47

Your favorite children are supposed to lead the family. Great leaders are admired, but instead, now they Amore Skin are ridiculed and they are nothing but deceivers. You disposed of good traits for the sake of letting deceivers rule those who cannot rule themselves. It is an excusable, but false, Mandate of Heaven. You put someone who is perceived to be my enemy on the top along with someone who does not care about me either, and championed them, and did nothing to defend me as I witnessed everything without complaining.

I'm not my own, and I am not yours, but rather I am bound to my ideals, I am a principle. I do not own what I say, or own what I do; thus I am not free, like your children. I have to remind you that I cannot be myself, because I am an example. That's the reason I have no voice of my own but am rather a collection of chants who say, "Viva La Raza!" If we have come a long way for Martin Luther King, and Caesar Chavez to show you that my people are truly promising with the right help, and if you are willing to throw that away in one term, is that not similar, excuse my harsh words, to throwing away a baby to the trash? Throwing a human away before you watch it grow because you will never find out his/her true potential. Will you continue to let me grow, I don't mind if I'm bound, and let me tell you, that is better than to be disinherited.