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Why Should You Attend a Church Service?

One of the most essential things you can do as a Christian as to attend Church Services. By attending a church service every week, you can worship God, learn from him and build or grow a relationship with Jesus and the other members of similar beliefs. A church is a place where you can grow and help others grow by being the part of a community. For a Christian, church is a place where he/she can feel safe at any time. 

However, to experience all these things, one actually needs to go to the church. All this is not possible while you sit at home and attend a sermon on TV. A sermon on television does help you hear the messages that are being preached and you can listen to the music that is being sung. However, it’s very different from being there. You will not get the feeling that you get when you’re a part of an actual church service.

If you’re a Christian who is not involved in any life giving relationships with others, then consider this. You were created to function as a part of something that is much bigger than you. Your spiritual journey should not be traveled alone. In simple works, we are made in a way that we will need one another.

Are you not attending church sermons because you don’t have a church? Then it’s time you find one. If you have a church, but you don’t attend the service as it doesn’t fill your needs, then you must try visiting a different church.  There are several Churches In Cedar Rapids. Try other churches until you find the one that works for you.

You must keep the following things in mind when you look for a church.

The Christian Church you choose in Iowa City must preach Jesus. It must preach the entire Bible and not just parts of it.

Every church you visit is not going to be perfect as no one is perfect. There may be certain things that you may not like about a church. You may not like the music of the church as it is more like a concert than worshipful or you may find the congregation to either be too small or too big. You may not find people of your age group or you may find it difficult to connect with others. So, look at the whole picture and see how it meets your needs.

The Holy spirit lives within you, and it will guide you to the church where you need to be. When you find the right church, your heart will know it.

So try out a few local churches. You don’t need to do this to be considered as a church-goer, but to develop a meaningful relationship with someone who has the right spiritual state of mind. So try visiting a few local churches around you and see which African Church in Iowa City works for you.

Once you find the church, make sure you go. It is best if you visit each week. If you need to skip a week for something very important then do not be guilty as things do come up. However, make sure you’re there most of the time. When you begin attending a church, you become a part of  an East African Community in Iowa City and you will be missed when you are not there. You will also miss the blessing that you could have received by not being there.  You will also miss the opportunity to be a blessing for someone else.

So visit a church service regularly and be blessed!