Thrush is the term more commonly used for throat or oral Yeast Infection and symptoms vary from the throat being red, swelling, white spots that do not go away when wiped, to it being hard to swallow and then more serious problems like fever. How bad the infection is depends on the general health of the sufferer as well as other factors.
It is unlikely that a healthy adult will get a throat yeast infection as in order for it to happen the person needs to have a weakened immune system, compromised by an existing illness like AIDs, or treatment like chemotherapy for cancer. Prolonged courses of antibiotics can also leave you vulnerable as they kill the good bacteria that usually control the yeasts growth. How long it takes for your body to successfully fight a yeast infection varies but you should get started on a treatment as soon as you notice symptoms. While you treat those symptoms you can also help give your immune system a boost as well.
Apple cider vinegar is good for its anti fungal properties. Mix it in a glass with some water and then gargle and rinse a few times a day. It will help with the symptoms and discomfort. You can also use it as a drink with homey and hot water or as a vinaigrette on a salad. It doesn’t need to taste bad to work!
To give your immune system a boost eat foods with Vitamin C like apples, bell peppers, and citrus fruits. Plain yogurt can be consumed too as it has good bacteria in it to top up the ones in your body. As it coats your throat it will also sooth your symptoms. Cut out refined carbs and sugars as they are a food source for the Candida.
Today’s special: Male Yeast Infection Symptoms