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What are the top Dangerous goods storage requirements?

Dangerous goods storage is required for a large number of compounds, some are in solid form, others powered. Some in gas or liquid form, these include substances that are corrosive, oxidizing, toxic, water or oxygen reactive, spontaneously combustible, explosive and flammable. The most common of theses are pesticides, solvents, paints, petrol and aviation fuel. These all have the potential to be harmful to human and animal life, property and the environment so must be stored safely and appropriately.



These must be kept in a fully welded metal cabinet of a minimum of 1.1mm thickness that’s lined in securely fastened wood

The cabinet must be lockable and have lifting handles as well as being painted both inside and out



Gas cylinders should be stored outside or inside with a natural ventilation system that avoids a leaked gas build up in a storage cage of non-combustible material with outward opening doors.

The storage area must be fitted with restraining bars and chains capable of preventing the gas cylinders from falling or being knocked over.


Flammable liquids

Flammable liquids must be stored in metal cabinets with double walls containing a 40mm air gap.

The flammable liquids cabinet must have perforated shelves which allow for the free movement of air inside the cabinet.

It must have self closing doors that are securely fastened at two or more points

The inner base must form a water tight containment sump of 150mm depth and be capable of holding at least 25% of the total capacity of the cabinet

Proper signs to warn workers and others in the areas of the danger and risks associated with the stored flammable liquids.


Flammable solids

Flammable solids must be stored in the same type of cabinet as Flammable liquids.

The base of the cabinet must form a spill sump that is capable of holding the contents of the largest packages stored inside.


Oxidising agents and Organic Peroxides

Oxidising agents must be stored in the same type of cabinet as Flammable liquids.

The base of the cabinet must form a spill sump capable of holding 25% of the cabinet’s capacity.


Toxic substances

Toxic substances must be stored in the same type of cabinet as Flammable liquids.

It must have lockable doors that are self closing and tight fitting

The base must contain a liquid spill sump with the capacity of 25% of the cabinet


Corrosive Substances

Corrosive substances must be stored in the same type of cabinet as Flammable liquids.

The doors must open outwards and have the ability to be opened from within the cabinet

The base must contain a liquid spill sump with the capacity of 25% of the cabinet.


It is vital for the safety of all individuals in the workplace and visitors that proper dangerous goods storage cabinets and areas are provided and that all staff working in or around those areas are properly trained on what to do in the event of an emergency or spillage including first aid and evacuation procedures.