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Submitted by johnsont on Fri, 07/24/2020 - 03:32

Webroot safe antivirus secures your system from various online as well as offline risk. With a subscribed product of the security software, you set extra layers of security in various other tasks. When you activate the antivirus subscription, you receive Webroot key code on your registered email address. On the other hand, if you are a new user, you will need to create an account to use the advanced services of antivirus.
Webroot Invented cloud-based security to stop threats in real-time and protect businesses and consumers in the connected world. Webroot secureanywhere is a cloud-based antivirus so it will take much space from your disk. Webroot does not slow down the system compared to any other antivirus. Webroot secureanywhere provides a better firewall and also gives protection against the phishing attacks. Webroot antivirus is very easy to download, install and activate but sometimes you may face some errors in installing, reinstalling webroot or getting the activation code, verifying webroot keycode.

  1. Download webroot from
  2. Firstly, Go to the webpage.
  3. Sign in your Webroot Account. A new user needs to create an account.
  4. Now, you need to go to my webroot section.
  5. Enter a 20 digit webroot activation code to activate webroot.
  6. You will find a keycode at the backside of a retail card or registered email.
  7. And select the webroot product which you willing to download on your device.
  8. Click on the download button.
  9. Great, your webroot has completely downloaded.

How to activate webroot with activation code?
Firstly, Go to the installed file of webroot safeEnter a 20 digit alphanumeric Keycode without the hyphen.Now, Click on the Activate button.Follow instructions to complete the activation process.Webroot Keycode authentication will get successful.
How to use Webroot antivirus?Once you download Webroot from, you can install Webroot with a key code. You can try your first scan just after the installation of the Webroot download file. After installation and activation through, restart your device. Then double-tap on Webroot icon, the software will open automatically. You can also right-click on the icon and click OPEN. In the software window, click on SCAN YOUR COMPUTER. Webroot will start scanning. If any viruses are on the computer, then it will detect threats and fix it. You can also set the firewall.