And it just got deleted when I asked why it hadn't been removed but mine had and contacted the moderators. When I had kept my mouth shut. Not low effort spam, it likely would have stayed up? Is it really too hard for you to see shit that post is?This sub is over-moderated, elitist, and toxic. I am done here. This is the meme I got to know about this DXP out of lmao. Low effort meme spam is easy to consume. It is going to get a great deal of upvotes for that. That doesn't mean it is better.
I feel these both are fantastic! Why take them down?Wow I upvoted the meme, although I only come to this particular sub to talk shit about mtx. . . What's ironic is these memes incite more conversation and speak compared to repeated generic shit. Completely agreed. It's a subreddit for a match. Relax, mods. It's not like that place is filled with high-minded discussions, it's a reactionary cesspit of negativity. At least let's joke around. Interesting, I didn't know that memes were censored within this sub. Please do not delete them. Even though it's not one of the primary rules, it just falls under guidelines.
I have tried arguing against them with this quite a few occasions but they refuse to provide ANY ground on the issue. They will not give guidelines on which qualifies a post as low-effort. Posts that use photoshop to alter an image/meme template aren't allowed yet 1 paragraph text articles are. They will sometimes not even mention a rule when they decide to remove a post, and almost never when the auto-moderator does. Their mentality is that they don't want this subreddit to become a low-effort sub, very similar to runescape 2007. This mentality has some truth since low-effort posts can dominate a subreddit due to reddit's algorithm consequently preventing higher effort/text articles from ever appearing. The issue is they think modifications made to it, or a template irrespective of context, is effort.
All they need to do is allow meme template posts which are altered to some degree that is substantial. Clearly specify what qualifies. When they're over-excessive, and restrict the circulation of effort posts. This could be accomplished by giving a warning by means of a stickied thread, and referring to it when articles are removed. It really feels like because Adam left their team, they've lost their individuality. Proof of this can be seen by just taking a look at the top posts on this subreddit and seeing how many of these would be removed via this team when they had been posted today. Yeah it would be a pity if people became anything such as a widely popular sub. I'd miss the hell out of seeing someone get 99 cooking which has been shared from their camera.
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