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They'Re On Discount

Submitted by Kingang on Tue, 08/18/2020 - 19:36

Everyone asked for all of that. This subreddit is a bubble in comparison with the real world. Plus 2K patches in NBA 2K21. But at first, they always release a half game. Like in tradition. Thing is, it is not like they just cares about the youtbers and don't care about the folks here. Nah, not that simple. It's just, reddit or one or more one of these threads don't make shit for 2K. Ya understand? But Youtubers and the streamers, their videos make 2K more marketable and thus. They make more profit.

2K, like anything else in the world. Is a company. They need to create profit, and the more. The better. Reddit doesn't make them any profit. Youtubers streamers, and all them boys perform. Even though a lot of them are children and only cancerous. Views are perspectives. 2K makes too much profit like any other games. Check out Fortnite. It wouldn't be exactly what it is now, without the streamers and youtubers. especially Ninja. They globalize the product, and the product will give them special attention.

Same with Instagram. Instagram PAYS all the wealthy and famous individuals, to simply use their platform and keep on posting shit. Some people get paid tens of thousands or even a thousand, just to get one pole. That is how the world operates. Just company. You saying 2K cares for gain, but its not that youtubers made 2K. 2K is the Basketball game we must select from. Every bball head using a System will get 2K however great or bad YT's support NBA 2K21. Reddit was there prior to twitter,Facebook,Youtube and twitch as a platform to speak our thoughts. Im sure 2K is aware of it.

Of we aren't the majority of the 2K community but we're definetly the most active and loyal communtiy inside this internet bitch. Whether this reddit will die it will impact directy on 2K profit, if some YT quit streaming it wont damage 2K in the smallest way. 2K is like crack on YT if one provider expires there will grow 2 others. I get it, yes its messed up they were essentially saying we can change our takeover at anytime and today we can not. I agree something should be done! I have never heard or seen anything that contributes to this. I think a lot people were reading into that but don't believe it was ever mentioned.

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