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There's a lot of new content for raids and dungeons available on World of Warcraft

Halls of Lightning This five-man dungeon makes use of WOW WoTLK Classic Gold World of Warcraft lore revolving around the gods who are responsible for the creation of all. The quests within the dungeon are constructed in a manner that they are an extension of the storyline within the area that the dungeon's location is. In a way, it reinforces the notion that the dungeon is located in the realm of Northrend are balconies and windows that let you see (an an instance of) the outside of the area.
. It's possible to spot the second boss from the balcony as you enter the Dungeon, however you will not meet him until later. This boss's final fight includes cinematic storytelling at the beginning and the end it is a massive air elemental, who is in line with Blizzard's policy of not reusing bosses on lesser enemies from outside, has an extremely distinct look.
Ahn'kahet: the Old World Set in a massive cave under Northrend the dungeon of five men will recount the tales of gods that are becoming more ancient as you go deeper into the. The more you go down deeper, the more ancient your enemies and the style of art change.
. There is a strategy required when eliminating these since certain of the bigger hatchlings are likely to consume smaller hatchlings. Another boss will be a kind of vampire who will sometimes target and try to consume a group member. The third boss will be an orc from the Twilight Hammer order that gathers his followers around him at the beginning of the battle and will try to take them all one at a time.
If you aren't able to eliminate the chosen ones before he kills them then you'll get a huge bonus. The fourth boss is an "faceless one" that won't engage in any resistance early on, but after a while is able to stop all activity and send every player into their individual instance where they'll be attacked by the other players. When players overcome the clones of group and then join the other instances to help the other players.
chamber of the Aspects This raid is played out on the ground, which is dotted with lava flows and other similar. There are five distinct dragon bosses, with the most formidable of them is the black drake. The four other bosses seem to be fairly easy to beat, however players who want challenges should steer clear of these completely and move straight for the black drake. If you choose to do this then the other four bosses will join in the fight, making it significantly more difficult. If you succeed, it isn't going to buy WoTLK Gold go unnoticed or without reward, and your rewards include a black drake mount as well as all of the other epic items.
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