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There are different ways to protect the skin in different seasons

Submitted by alisa on Mon, 10/31/2016 - 22:24

The skin in different seasons have different performance. If you travel abroad, climate changes also require skin care to be adjusted.

Skin care in cold weather
When the temperature drops abruptly, the cold wind blows and the central heating is turned off, makeup is still done in the usual way, meaning you will have lizard skin-like chapped lips, crocodile skin wrinkled elbows and chapped cheeks. In the summer, choose the right sunscreen, you only need to give a minimum of care can be spent, and still look good. But in cold weather, skin, hair, body and make-up need cold.

Care for the face
Whatever the type of skin, the cold day motto is more (more): more emollient, more moderate, more often.

More moderate
In the winter, those who do not want to use soap and water really should make their soap hibernate. "Soaps make the skin lose its inherent oil protection layer, and any skin cream can not replace its emollient effect." Skin care expert Joe Malone warned. Cold weather may also stimulate the skin allergies: the detergent, perfume, lanolin and so on. Therefore, the choice of the skin is not irritating mild, soluble in water cleaning agent. If you feel the need to use toner after cleaning, to ensure that the non-alcohol used.mymi wonder patch are widely used by many cutsomer for their varieties of goals. Some people want the tightening and firming skin by using mymi weight loss patch. Others use korea mymi for lose pounds or reduce cellulite appearance. And we also have mymi patch users just for general skin detox and conditioning as well as for reducing stretch marks appearance.