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There’s a cheat giving every player a 99 rating plus it risks ruining FIFA 18

FIFA 17 has experienced its fair share of issues, but one in distinct is causing players a life threatening headache.

A cheat called ’99OVR’ gives every single player in your staff a 99 rating in every skill - and it could actually ruin FIFA 18.

This theoretically means of which even bronze or silver players can be better than 93-rated Lionel Messi and also 94-rated Cristiano Ronaldo.

It’s also extremely harming to Ultimate Team because it results in a 10K squad being better than a five million FUT- coin team.

Now for the toughest bit - it’s impossible to tell if someone is when using the cheat until it’s also late.

One wrote on the particular FIFA Forum: “I just played a person with all players in the range of 95-99.

“I was wondering the reason why his NIF Kévin Gameiro seemed to be outrunning Kalidou Koulibaly along with Antonio Rüdiger so effortlessly. I found the answer… Lost in overtime. ”

Another said: “With this trainer there isn't any reason to play this game and no reason to work challenging to hunt good gamers.

“If EA wants that game to survive they must do much more, not just ban on player, but finding a strategy to disable this cheat, recognise who’s using this instantly and ban all of them. ”

The 99OVR cheat is bound to the PC version from the game - but it could possibly only be a matter of your time before a similar mechanism makes it way on to gaming console.

Worryingly, while it was possible to adopt screenshots of the 99-rated people post match, a recent patch has removed this.

It’s often hard to spot if the cheat is it being used until it’s too late - on account of a recent patch
One fan on your FIFA Reddit wrote: “As of the most recent patch, you can no longer see around the performance tab if an individual has 99-rated players therefore you cannot report it with solid proof.

“It’s also pretty hard to identify the cheaters when these people don’t boost pace and only boost other stats such as dribbling and physical.

“As people can cheat virtually undetected right now FUT Champs and FUT generally on PC has no future unless EA decides to do something positive about it.

“Average gold teams within FUT Champs are the worst since they are the most likely to get cheating from my experience. ”

It’s thought EA understands the matter and getting steps to eradicate your cheat.

Reddit users have spotted that whenever you match against the opponent and their team arises on the screen, a disconnect occurs.

EA now registers gambler stats server side, so every one of those disconnects is actually a cheater using 99OVR.

Worringly, it took almost the complete of FIFA 17’s lifespan for EA to identify a workaround for the defraud. By that time, many normal players had abandoned the PC version of the game altogether.

Given that there are forums about finding out ways to hack the game, something tells us a version from the 99OVR cheat may raise its ugly head inside FIFA 18 on COMPUTER SYSTEM.Preorder the Fifa 18 Mobile Coins could save 5% discount money now!