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Struggle Makes You Stronger

15 Minute Manifestation Review 
You know that we all go through different struggles in life. Everyone has them and of course they vary massively depending on our quality of life, relationships and circumstances. Not to mention our feelings of loss, disappointment and anger. How can I say to you what to feel when your situation is personal to you?

Well I can't possibly know you but I can say what has helped me and let you know that there are principles of life that we can all use to change our perspective of the world around us. It all starts with what is within I think. Without changing what's within how can we deal with things? Maybe it's just a matter of time. Time does help out greatly as we all know however some people go through continual patterns of struggle and disappointment but why is that?

This is really about the fact that we have patterns that we believe are right! As long as we believe certain things happen then those certain things will keep being real for us, can you see what I mean there? This is why when struggles or challenges come up we can actually use them as a learning process. Ask yourself what is there to learn here? Once we begin to accept that challenges do happen and then focus on a solution we can change these habits of a lifetime. When you are older you are bound to look back at your past in fact that happens to me a lot now and I am only 36!:) Why is this? Well because that's all we have left at that point, is reflection.

Now reflection can be amazing right but it can also be traumatic at times. The key thing now is to get to the stage where you can deal with situations now as they come up and put it down to a new thing to learn or be aware of. Making the same mistakes in life is hardly good is it! Many people do make the same mistakes because of what they believe but I am here to tell you from experience that I now look back at seeming failures and heartache with a smile. You can also do this when you just recognise what there is to discover.