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some bosses will use stronger attacks when engaged at range

Melee versus RangedEven if your primary goal is to unlock a specific class within the Ascension Atlas, it is a good idea to become proficient with at least one melee, and one ranged class early on. Having basic functional knowledge of at least one melee and ranged class means you can swap your class when needed to deal with specific encounters.

Unlocking the first few skills for any class is very cheap in terms of Spark consumption, and doing so will give you some flexibility when needed.Bosses tend to have unique combat abilities, and adjusting for these can make a big difference in terms of your survivability. For example some bosses may be into spamming AoE ground attacks that make melee against them very difficult, so being able to temporarily switch to a ranged class can be highly beneficial.
And some bosses will use stronger attacks when engaged at range, so for these you might want to consider switching to a melee class.This guide focuses on a number of areas where combat in Skyforge deviates from the norm. Hope this Skyforge Combat Tips guide will give you some help!Article Source:  guide focuses on a number of areas where combat in Skyforge deviates from the norm.