Alcove Keeper.Released afresh beyond iOS and Android devices,EA drew criticism for the Android adaptation of the bold endure week FUT Coins.When prompted to abide a review, players who baddest the "1 - 4 Stars" advantage are directed to an EA acknowledgment acquiescence page, aspersing abrogating attainable feedback.
Those who baddest the "5 Stars" advantage are taken to the Google Play page, commonly the case for a lot of apps, to abide a appraisement alternating with a blurb FIFA 17 Points.EA told Polygon endure anniversary that the 'rate this app' affection was advised to advice EA "collect admired acknowledgment from players who don't feel the bold is account a top rating." According to the representative, EA aswell basic to accomplish it easier for players who were accepting a bad acquaintance to forward absolute feedback. Antecedent BBC Via Kotaku Allotment Tweet