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The Problem of Weight Gain After Menopause

Menopause refers to whenSlim Kick Night a woman's periods stop for good. This happens because of a natural decrease in the working functionality of the ovaries, which results in a consequent decrease in the estrogen levels in the body since the ovaries control them, as well as lower progesterone levels. In layman's terms, the female eggs are very unlikely to get fertilized after menopause, so chances of getting pregnant become a very small percentage. Menopause occurs usually between 45-60 years of age and can last anywhere between 2-6 years. It varies from woman to woman.

Menopause doesn't usually go very easy on women because it is, for the majority of cases, accompanied by very unpleasant symptoms. The most common ones are depression, mood swings, hot flashes, night sweats, dryness of skin and hair, insomnia, anxiety, reduced sexual enjoyment and libido, and of course weight gain. Weight gain after menopause is a symptom that comes on in the peri-menopause stage which refers to the years immediately following the onset of the process. Studies have shown that women tend to gain a pound a year, on average, after menopause and in total can gain up to 10-15 pounds.

While the changing hormones in a woman's body are partly responsible for this weight gain onset, lifestyle choices also play a big part in this happening. For one thing, menopausal women tend to lose the will to exercise regularly, and eat more, both factors that contribute to their weight going up. Metabolism also slows down after menopause, meaning that fewer calories are burned every day. The fewer calories that are burnt, the more fat that is retained; again leading to more weight gain.

It is of extreme importance that women realize that they need to control this peri-menopause weight gain for it can have dire consequences. Several studies have conclusively proved that weight gain after menopause increases a woman's risk of contracting breast cancer. If you lose the extra weight you put on, in effect you reduce your chances of developing that cancer. Aside from this, other serious health issues can become a reality if you don't work to lose the increased weight, including high cholesterol levels, high blood pressure problems and a possible chance of diabetes.