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Well, the brilliant folks at Google are now driving their car, their autonomous car all around the highways of Nevada, and they have a license from the state to do that. That's pretty exciting a self driving car, I want one. And perhaps you do too, and in the future our cars will do most of the Pony Profits driving themselves, and I bet we enjoy it that way. Now then, having a self driving car is nice, but having formerly been in the carwash industry, I am not sure that I like the idea of a self-cleaning car. Okay so, let's talk about this for a moment shall we?

How might a self-cleaning car work you ask? Well, there are self-cleaning countertops already, using titanium dioxide. There also self-cleaning stainless steel coatings which can be used in fast food restaurants to prevent things like E. coli bacteria from getting in the food. Hospitals are also starting to use these coatings to protect patients from rather scary bacteria which evades antibiotics. One of the most interesting places that such coatings are being used right now is on windows.

You know some of those giant glass buildings you see in the city, many of them are coated with self-cleaning glass products, and the dirt will not cling to them, and it washes off without soap with just a little rain. It is true that every once in a while you have to clean them, and use a special detergent which doesn't take off the coating, but for the most part they stay perfectly nice with a nice sheen. In the future such coatings will be on all automobiles, I'm pretty certain.

Another thing I've noticed, because I have cleaned quite a number of electric cars is that without the film which is caused by the exhaust and the petroleum distillates, the dirt doesn't stick on very easily. In other words, they don't get that dirty between washings. This is something I've always worried about, because if cars get less dirty less often, that means they need to go to the carwash half as much, and that means you need twice as many customers to make the same amount of money in the car wash business. That's a scary thought.