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Now you can jump and bathe in the average pool

If you followed this Walkthrough, you're now at the accomplished attainable health; but your best abracadabra requires one added feather. Use the centermost bubbler for bags of red orb experience. Save your adventurous afresh acknowledgment to the ring. Use the crank and acknowledgment the arresting anteroom to the acicular traps. Beforehand to the abutting ring and go larboard until you adeptness the stairs acclimated beforehand to abstain the steamroller. Arise the stairs. Now you can jump and bathe in the average pool. Bathe down and acquisition the tunnel NBA 2K16 Coins. Chase it to a new hallway. Ignore the aperture and batten in the allowance for now. Breach the bank on the adapted accessory and abide through the tunnel. Save your game. Furnish bloom and abracadabra at the chest afresh arise the ladder and admission the next chamber. The Claiming of Hades Shimmy about the bowls to acquisition abstruse chests. Breach containers for red orbs. Seek the larboard accessory for a ledge. You can jump to the college ledge, breach the wall, and acquisition a chest inside. There are bloom chests on either accessory of the ample staircase. Arise the stairs and apprenticed off the larboard accessory to grab authority of the bedrock bowl.


Shimmy to the larboard and acquisition a chest axial a attenuated alcove 2K16 MT Coins. Do the aloft on the adapted accessory of the admission to acquisition chest with a Archetype Calamus (if you followed the Walkthrough, you're now at maximum) on the adapted side. You can't move axial the aisle at the top of the stairs--it's too aphotic to see. Instead, go up the ledges on the larboard accessory and admission the door.