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Is marriage check unqualified cannot get card how to calculate marriage check unqualified

Is marriage check unqualified cannot get card how to calculate marriage check unqualified
Pre-marital checkups refer to routine physical and genital checkups for both men and women before marriage to detect diseases and ensure a happy marriage. And it's not mandatory, it's just a health check, and it's important for both men and women to get married. Is that marriage check unqualified cannot get card? How does marriage check calculate unqualified?
Can't get a marriage certificate if the marriage inspection is unqualified
The marriage examination is mainly divided into the compulsory examination items and the selective examination items, among which the compulsory examination items mainly include the inquiry of medical history and physical examination. Now let's talk about what will happen if the marriage inspection fails:
1. Unsuitable for marriage; Blood relatives, such as invisible genetic disease
1) in the case of blood relatives, the marriage law of China clearly stipulates that it is forbidden to marry a direct blood relative and a collateral blood relative within three generations.
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(direct blood relatives: refers to those who are directly related to themselves, such as parents and children, grandparents and grandchildren, grandparents and grandchildren, etc.) Collateral relatives: brothers and sisters, Cousins, Cousins, Cousins, uncles, aunts, uncles, uncles and uncles. Those who have a common ancestor within three generations are collateral relatives within three generations.
2) both families have the same recessive genetic disease within three generations
The main targets are invisibility genetic diseases, such as albinism, achromatopsia, glaucoma, pigmented dry skin and sickle cell anemia. The first rule of these genetic diseases is that patients often appear in the family and often give off, and there is no continuity between generations. Second, the parents of the patients are generally normal appearance, but they are carriers of the disease gene; Third, there is no relationship between the patient and gender. Fourthly, the incidence rate of children born through the marriage of close relatives increased significantly.
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