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A man without eyebrows will be like

Submitted by alisa on Wed, 02/15/2017 - 22:23

A man without eyebrows will be like? Before friends dropped the beauty star eyebrows p, has no eyebrows, and not to mention beautiful, looks very strange. So eyebrows on the face value plays an important role. So, how do you usually eyebrow? Eyebrow shaping tips do you use?

This approach is: with a rope and the other around, caught in the axis of the gap wants to pull out of the eyebrows, and then draw it out.

Advantages: this method is for the prospect of side-there are many stray hairs, this method does not need to spend, will cause some irritation.

Cons: some may think that this issue more pain than the wax removed, repeatedly Soke wants to pull out, could bear. Just pull, eyebrows are drawn out, pain will be.

Waxing method: this method is: want to get rid of the hot wax cover part of the eyebrows, and then dry quickly after removing wax, wax their eyebrows removed.

Advantages: uses a few times around Soke is difficult to grow, but it's also cheaper. Disadvantages: it may cause skin irritation, especially for sensitive skin. And wax distribution does not necessarily follow the shape you want covered, it may be too much or too little of the material part of the eyebrows.Having A pair of big eyes can make people looks more beauty , then how to let eyes looks bigger? xlash  is one of the most popular eyelash growth products , xlash eyelash serum can make your eyelash longer and denser in a short time. It is your best choice. Want to buy it from lilash eyelash website.