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Leading A Sustainable Life

Sustainable living is a practical philosophy that aims to reduce the personal and social impact of the environment by making positive changes in response to climate change and other environmental concerns.
“Sustainable living” encourages people to reduce their use of Earth's resources and reduce the damage to human interaction with the environment.

Here are some changes you can make to lead a ecofriendly lifestyle-

1. Start using LED lighting or CFL bulbs instead of incandescent lighting as it has longer life.
2. If you are feeling cold, double up the layers instead of switching on the heater.
3. In the daytime, open up the windows and curtains to work in the day light rather than opting to sit in a room with all lights switched on.
4. Practice switching off lights as you leave the room.
5. Instead of using a machine dryer to completely dry the clothes, hang them on a drying line or a rack.
6. Try using the washing machine when the load is almost full. For fewer items, hand wash is the best solution.
7. Invest in a shower timer or shift to a bucket for your baths.
8. Having your own kitchen garden helps a lot to lead a green eco-lifestyle.
9. Turn off the devices when not in use, like wi-fi box at night.
10. For gardening , use organic fertilizer.
11. Invest in recycled notebooks, kitchen writing pads or even toilet paper
12. Invest in reusable kitchen towels, bio-degradable garbage bags.
13. If you are commuting somewhere , either walk if it’s near by or use public transport.
14. Choose to use stairs instead of elevators or lifts whenever possible.
15. Coordinate with colleagues for carpool.
16. Carry a cotton bag or are usable bag when going for grocery shopping.
17. Carry a water bottle instead of buying a plastic bottle from outside.
18. Invest in quality clothing items instead of fast fashion. You can also swap your used or new clothes with friends or through apps.
19. Shop from ethical and environmentally conscious brands.
20. When planning for a wedding, send out electronic wedding invitations.
21. Adding small pot plants to your workspace will make you mentally happy too.
22. For babies, switch to cloth diapers, which are reusable. Get a wooden baby teether.
23. Keep stainless steel bottles for water instead of plastic ones.
24. Use stainless steel drink bottles (or at least plastic-free).
25. Repurpose glass jars to keep the masalas.
26. Start using washable metal straws instead of disposable plastic straws.
27. Invest in a pressure cooker and reduce your cooking time and energy used by 70%!
28. Invest in cruelty free, paraben free, vegan brands for makeup.
29. Buy bamboo toothbrush and ear cleaning cotton buds. .
30. Consider shifting to shampoo bars to reduce packaging.
31. Use coconut or other natural body scrubbers instead of plastic ones.
32. Invest in reusable pads or menstrual cups.
33. Read news online rather than getting daily newspapers at home.
34. Choose the option “don't send cutlery” when ordering food online.

Eat less dairy and meat, better go vegetarian or vegan! This helps you live an eco-friendly lifestyle.

SOURCE: Sustainable Lifestyle