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Judgmental Christians - Self Righteous, Self Centered & Cold-Hearted Christians

Submitted by hadrielsam on Wed, 04/08/2020 - 22:32

Judgmental Christians, just what the devil ordered Thought Manifestation Review to harden a believer's heart and keep them far away from God. Hopefully not from God, but certainly away from the church and organized religion where the hard-hearted sometimes dwell.

Why is when people are in need and hurting the most, they find the most abuse when attempting to draw near to God in His sanctuary? Allow me to answer my own question. Callous Christians who have limited life experience and arrogant hearts are quick to condemn. Yet Jesus came to love and show compassion.

Father in heaven give us your heart so we can see people through your loving eyes. The earth is full of hurting, desperate, and desirous people who deeply need a touch from God. To deny them this or alienate them from the house of the Lord just because they are being perfected is nothing short of hypocrisy.