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Increase Male Potency For a Better Lifestyle

Submitted by sagasan on Wed, 02/15/2017 - 19:23

Lubricant is optional. While it's true that some partners produce enough lubrication to keep sex comfortable, enjoyable and safe for the most part, even the ED Destroyer wettest women out there are bound to run a bit dry now and then, particularly during rough or prolonged sessions. Lube isn't just about personal preference; it protects delicate penile and vaginal skin from tears that not only hurt but provide harboring grounds for bacteria, viruses and fungi. Ample lubrication is also crucial for preventing condom breakage.

Washing and wearing protection are all a man can do for his penis. Actually, there are skin care products for men designed with the manhood in mind. Maintaining healthy skin condition is necessary in order to preserve sensitivity and keep the member attractive over time. Men should seek out a penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) with the skin-friendly ingredients Shea butter, vitamin E and vitamin C for rejuvenating the penis. Using a moisturizer like this daily will protect against the ravages of friction from hands, bodies and clothing, keeping the penis radiant and ready to go.

Every man (hopefully) knows that using a condom is one good way to help maintain a healthy penis. In addition to being a big aid in terms of birth control, the condom is also helpful in safeguarding penis health by reducing the risk of contracting STIs. Unfortunately, condoms have some drawbacks - and that is why some scientists are investigating the possibility of a spray-on condom.