You are here Review: Why It Wasn't the Right Fit for Me | 2023

As a content writer, I'm always looking for ways to streamline my writing process and improve the quality of my work. So, when I first heard about the Hubble writing tool, I was intrigued. Billed as an AI-powered writing assistant, Hubble promised to make the writing process faster, easier, and more effective.
But after using Hubble for several weeks, I realized that it wasn't the right fit for me. In this article, I'll explain why Hubble fell short of my expectations, and why I ultimately decided to look for other writing tools.
My initial impression of the Hubble writing tool
Before I dive into the problems I had with Hubble, let me explain what drew me to the tool in the first place.
First and foremost, Hubble promised to make the writing process faster and more efficient. As an AI-powered writing assistant, Hubble is designed to help writers generate ideas, organize their thoughts, and even draft complete sentences and paragraphs.
Hubble also offered a range of features that seemed useful for content writers. For example, the tool includes a built-in research tool that can pull information from the web and suggest related topics to explore. It also offers a variety of templates and writing prompts to help writers get started.
Finally, Hubble promised to help writers improve the quality of their work. The tool includes a built-in grammar checker and style guide, as well as a readability analyzer that can help writers identify areas where their writing may be confusing or difficult to understand.
Given all of these features, I was excited to give Hubble a try. I signed up for a trial subscription and started experimenting with the tool.

What went wrong with Hubble?
Unfortunately, I quickly realized that Hubble wasn't the right fit for me. Here are some of the problems I encountered:
User experience issues
One of the biggest problems I had with Hubble was the user experience. Simply put, the tool was difficult to navigate and not very intuitive.
For example, when I first logged into Hubble, I found myself overwhelmed by the sheer number of features and options. It wasn't immediately clear to me how to get started or what I should be doing.
Similarly, I found the design of the tool to be somewhat confusing. The interface was cluttered and not very aesthetically pleasing, which made it difficult to focus on my writing.
Finally, I ran into several technical glitches while using Hubble. For example, the tool would sometimes freeze or crash, which was frustrating and interrupted my writing flow.
Problems with the actual writing process
Beyond the user experience issues, I also found that Hubble wasn't as helpful with the actual writing process as I had hoped.
One of the biggest limitations of Hubble is that it's not very customizable. While the tool does offer a range of templates and writing prompts, I found that these options weren't always applicable to the specific type of content I was working on.
For example, if I was writing a blog post about a specific topic, Hubble's templates and prompts might not be relevant or helpful. This meant that I often had to start from scratch, which defeated the purpose of using an AI-powered writing tool in the first place.
Another problem I had with Hubble was that it didn't offer very much control over the output. While the tool could generate complete sentences and paragraphs based on my input, I found that the resulting text often felt stilted or unnatural.
In addition, Hubble's AI-generated text was often repetitive or formulaic. For example, if I asked Hubble to generate a list of bullet 
points on a specific topic, the resulting list would often use the same sentence structure for each bullet point, which made the content feel monotonous and robotic.
Finally, I found that Hubble wasn't very easy to integrate with other writing tools or platforms. As a content writer, I use a variety of different tools and platforms to manage my work, including Google Docs, WordPress, and Trello. Unfortunately, I found that Hubble didn't play well with these other tools, which made it difficult to incorporate the tool into my workflow.
While the Hubble writing tool promised to make the writing process faster, easier, and more effective, I ultimately found that it wasn't the right fit for me. The tool's user experience issues and limitations with the actual writing process made it difficult to use effectively.
However, I was able to find alternative writing tools and methods that allowed me to streamline my writing process and produce higher-quality content. By combining traditional writing methods with AI-powered writing tools, I was able to find a workflow that works for me.
If you're a content writer who is considering using an AI-powered writing tool, I would encourage you to evaluate your own needs and goals carefully. While these tools can be helpful, they may not be the best fit for everyone. By considering a range of different writing tools and methods, you can find a workflow that works best for you.