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How Narcolepsy And Fibromyalgia Are Related To Each Other

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Submitted by shopmed on Mon, 05/02/2016 - 01:07

Fibromyalgia is a chronic disease in which a person faces painful and severe symptoms. A patient with this type of disorder has been diagnosed with other health issues such as disturbance in sleeping, immense pain and disturbed daily routine. Some patients have also complained about fatigue and non-restorative sleep. There are treatments available to deal with this disease but many studies have proved that healing options that are used for Narcolepsy may help Fibromyalgia patients. The healing options that have sodium oxybate are usually advised to Narcolepsy. It somehow helps to reduce the abnormalities associated with sleep and that is why it is advised to Fibromyalgia patients.

Know more about fibromyalgia:

This syndrome requires immediate treatment soon after the patient starts showing common symptoms associated with it. Pain is the common characteristic of this disease which is often noticed in muscle and bone. Patient with such disease also faces mental stress, depression, and anxiety problem and memory loss issue. As compared to men, women are at high risk of developing this syndrome and for which usually doctors advises the healing treatments that are given to Narcolepsy patients. There is no test to diagnose this syndrome but possible signs can alert the doctor about the issue.

The Research made on Fibromyalgia Patients so far:

At the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, there was a study conducted on 12,000 women. These women either have a physical impairment issue or the tender pain in the muscles which are common signs of fibromyalgia.  After a decade, it was concluded that 327 of the women were diagnosed with this disorder. Further studies also stated that their disease got severe with the sleeping problems. It was also found out that as the woman’s age increased, the sleeping problems became severe. This issue was more common among the women above 45 years of age.

Relation between Narcolepsy and Fibromyalgia:

The common sign that has been noticed among the Narcolepsy and Fibromyalgia is sleeping disorder, chronic fatigue in daytime and mood swings. Both these issues are treated with appropriate neurology practice.  The treatment of sodium oxybate is usually given to narcolepsy patients. When the same treatment was given to fibromyalgia patients they experienced a great relief. There may be certain variations in both the diseases but when same treatment was given to the patients the outcome was positive. The treatment does not have any drawback on health but for its effective result the right dosage should be taken.

Although the root cause of fibromyalgia is still unknown but patients needs a strong treatment to deal with it. Sleeping issue is quite common among such patients and that is why Narcolepsy treatment can work on this syndrome. It is advised that patients should take ample of rest, perform a regular workout for at least 30 minutes, and choose some relaxation therapies like meditation and yoga. For many doctors, fibromyalgia is still a mystery but patients must follow the right treatment and make certain changes in routine for optimum results.To More Information Visit:-