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How the earwax is drained from the ear

Submitted by alisa on Sun, 05/14/2017 - 23:32

Almost no one likes to discuss ear feces on a formal occasion, like dealing with other secretions, and we clean up them only when we are alone. However, for many people, ear feces have a very mysterious side.

In ancient times, people often use ear feces as lip balm or treatment of stabbed ointment. In fact, its efficacy can be more than that, and recently studies have shown that ear feces can show the extent of accumulation of pollutants in the body - and even can be used for the diagnosis of certain diseases.

Here are five ear knowledge you probably do not know about the ear: the cells inside the ear canal are very unique - they can be moved. "You can place a small ink dot on the tympanic membrane, and after a few weeks it will observe that it will have some displacement, which is achieved with the movement of the cells in the ear canal." London National Royal ENT Hospital Said Professor Shakeel swab ear cleaner  is an As Seen on TV device which allows you to clean your ears safely and comfortably.  buy cheap smart swab product features a handle which looks and feels much like a toothbrush, offering an improved grip over earlier models. Disposable spiral tips are attached to this handle which allow you to clean your ears more safely than with cotton swabs.       

If the cells do not migrate, then the ear canal this little dead end, will soon be shedding the skin metabolism dead cells filled. This movement will take the opportunity to take out the ear feces, ear feces is the transformation of the ear canal through the sweat glands secretions. Like eating and chatting can lead to the behavior of the chin movement, but also to promote this process.