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How To Choose The Right Locator Tool To Use?

Submitted by ditUSA on Tue, 08/23/2022 - 23:50

Teeth medication is one of the complicated tasks to perform, and the better the equipment, the more the chances of successful procedures of implants. Wide varieties are available in the tools and types of equipment to be used, but it is essential to see which are more reliable. Dental Implant Technologies provide vast options in locator tools readily available as per your requirements.

What is the Locator tool?

The locator tool is used to conveniently carry out the locator abutment and place it onto the implant. It is also used for seating or removing males into or from denture caps. The use of a locator tool might differ depending upon the patient's requirement.

The structure of the Locator tool is as follows:
Removal tool: It has a sharp edge to engage and remove the male from denture caps.

Seating tool: It is used to fit the locator male.

Abutment driver and sleeve: This is used in carrying out the abutment securely and placing it onto the implant.

Concerned points:

  • The locator must be made from durable hardened material. Dental Implant Technologies offer the best quality locator tools made using zest technologies most dental surgeons prefer.
  • It must be perfectly sized and designed, understanding the use for delicate and complicated surgeries.

On concluding note:
The locator tool is one of the most crucial in implanting procedures, considered complicated surgeries. That makes it necessary to have the latest perfectly equipped and sized tool for easy seating or removing male from denture caps.