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How to Choose the Best Air Purifier for Allergies

Submitted by Plantkoru on Tue, 04/04/2023 - 06:45

No matter if you suffer from allergies or just want to improve the air quality in your home, an air purifier is a worthwhile investment.
Allergies are a common issue that can be exacerbated by dust, pollen, pet dander, mold and even bacteria. How can the best air purifiers for allergies remove allergens from the air and help you breathe easier? But how do you know which one is ideal for you?

1. Airflow

If you suffer from allergies or asthma, an air purifier can help alleviate symptoms. But to get the most benefit, you must select one that meets your individual needs. Allergies and asthma can be caused by a variety of things, such as pollen, pet dander, mold, dust mites, smoke, chemicals and odors. Fortunately, many air purifiers come equipped with built-in allergen and air quality sensors which alert you when these pollutants start getting too high in your home.

These sensors can also measure how much ozone is present in your air. This information is especially beneficial if you live in an area with high ozone levels. Certain air purifiers are better at eliminating ozone than others, but this isn't always the case. Some models will only remove ozone from the air while others also eliminate other pollutants like particles and allergens. A reliable air purifier for allergies should also have an easy-to-clean filter that can be replaced when needed. Replacement filters are usually available online or through your local retailer.
Typically, air filters can be cleaned by simply rinsing them with tap water. However, it's wise to double-check the manual that came with your air purifier to make sure you're cleaning it correctly.

Another essential factor to consider is how quickly an air purifier can clean your room. If it doesn't do so quickly, you may not notice any improvement in your allergies and asthma symptoms.

Finally, ensure your air purifier is Energy Star certified so it doesn't consume too much power. Doing this can save money on your electricity bill and reduce carbon footprint - an excellent way to help the environment.

2. Power

A good air purifier does more than simply make a room cleaner; it also keeps your allergies under control. Allergens like dust, pet dander, mold and pollen can trigger symptoms like sneezing and runny noses to itchy eyes and sore throats. For allergy sufferers, the ideal air purifier is one with True HEPA filter technology. These filters trap and eliminate 99.99% of particles in the air, helping reduce allergens in your home and providing you with a healthier quality of life.

An effective air purifier will have a filtration system compatible with your existing HVAC system, helping ensure the filter remains in optimal condition and doesn't need replacing frequently. Another feature to consider when searching for a unit is its energy efficiency rating. This can be especially beneficial to those on tight budgets who wish to reduce their utility bills. Furthermore, investing in an air purifier that can be used across multiple rooms is a wise idea. That way, you can utilize it for allergy relief in bedrooms and offices where you spend most of your time.
Finally, it's essential to consider the noise level of your air purifier. A loud machine can disrupt sleep, so make sure it is quiet enough so that you can get enough shut-eye.

If you're searching for a quiet, small-sized air purifier that can fit on a dresser or nightstand, the Levoit AP4H is an excellent option. It utilizes three stages of filtration and circulates air four times an hour. Plus, it comes with touch-to-control buttons, two brightness levels, child lock feature as well as three filter speeds plus energy-saving LED nightlight.

3. Filtration

Air filtration is an integral component of allergy and asthma treatment. It reduces the amount of allergens present in the air by trapping them before they can cause an allergic reaction. Air purifiers utilize various types of filters, such as HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filters, activated carbon and ionizers. Make sure the air cleaner you select has a filter size matching the size of the room you plan to use it in.

True HEPA filters are the most efficient at eliminating microscopic particles that can trigger allergies and other respiratory conditions. You should look for air purifiers with a MERV rating which indicates their capacity to trap particles of specific sizes. Filtration is the process of separating solids and liquids by passing them through pores in a filter medium or membrane, similar to brewing coffee which involves passing hot water through ground coffee and an additional filter.

However, some fluid is retained on the feed side of the filter media or pores in the membrane that are larger than particle size. In such cases, small solid particulates from the liquid pass through these areas and deposit on top or over these surfaces. Air purifiers offer many benefits, such as improved filtration and eliminating mold spores and other odor-causing chemicals that can be an issue for those with allergies or breathing issues. You might consider investing in an air purifier with UV-C (ultraviolet) light which neutralizes mold spores and other unpleasant odors.

Many air purifiers feature an activated carbon filter to eliminate odor-causing chemicals and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These toxins can be hazardous if left unchecked and may create an unpleasant odor when guests visit.

4. Cleanliness

If you suffer from allergies, it's essential to select an air purifier that eliminates dust and other allergens that may trigger them. The best ones also eliminate smells caused by cooking, pets, and chemical disinfectants. Allergy and asthma symptoms can be a real nuisance, but an air purifier can help by relieving symptoms by helping reduce them. Many models come equipped with multiple filters so they are capable of eliminating various pollutants in your home.

Air purifiers with the most efficient filters will eliminate particles responsible for asthma and allergy symptoms, like pollen, ragweed, pet dander and mold. They may also feature special technologies that eliminate bacteria, odors and viruses. Some products use "nanotechnology," which utilizes UV-C light to eliminate germs. Others feature filters that capture and neutralize chemicals, odors, and gases.

One of the best ways to maintain your air purifier's cleanliness is to wipe it down every few months with a damp cloth and mild soap and water. Additionally, be sure to take apart any extra parts attached to the unit and clean them thoroughly as well. Another important tip when cleaning your air purifier is not to touch the filter itself, as this could damage its delicate mesh. Some models feature washable or disposable filters, but always follow the manufacturer's instructions for thorough cleaning and sanitation.

5. Cost

Investing in an office and home air purifier can help reduce allergies and enhance the health of your home, but there are a few things you should take into account before making a final decision. One important consideration when purchasing a purifier is the cost of maintenance, which may include changing filters periodically (approximately every six months). HEPA-type purifiers tend to be cheaper than other varieties since they require fewer filter replacements.

Pleated filters offer more material in a smaller space and costlier alternatives, though they do a slightly better job at trapping allergens but must also be replaced more often. Some brands provide subscription programs for replacement filters at a discounted rate, but be mindful that these usually require you to sign a contract and commit to the monthly cost. Another cost factor to consider is the size of the purifier itself. Look for a model that covers the area where it will go, advises Delilah Renegar, D.C. and director of functional medicine at Aligned Modern Health. This way, you can be certain the device filters out all irritants present in the space.

Make sure your air purifier is suitable for the space it will be working in. Some devices won't be able to remove all contaminants in a room if it is too big, so make sure it can handle what needs doing. Finally, make sure the air purifier you select is quiet enough for use in bedrooms or other places where people sleep. Furthermore, ensure it's energy efficient; this will save you money in the long run on electricity costs.