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have an enviable makeup for girls

Submitted by alisa on Thu, 03/02/2017 - 22:09

A, make up the most fundamental and most important, not only can carry bright color of skin, flaws will also cover the face.To use concealer to cover the eyes carefully the black rim of the eye and pouch, don't tired impression to the person.

Second, will be brighter than color of powder in the eye socket and fundus, it can better carry bright eye week skin color, let a person have a mind more.

Third, using the earth color eye shadow, the use of color sequence is from shallow to deep, began to draw from the line double-fold eyelid, moving closer to use eye shadow color.

Four, draw after good eye shadow, use eyeliner, draw a thin smooth eyeliner, onto the eye end natural front, do not need to be able to choose high eyeliner.Then use eyeliner carefully to fill the eyelashes.careprost serum is the best choice for treating hypotrichosis, a congenital deficiency of hair on the eyelashes. This treatment helps to grow long eyelashes that are thick and dark. lumigan official cosmetic drug increases the hair growth to make eyelashes grow longer.