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Before going to bed apply cucumber cucumbers many cosmetic effect

Submitted by alisa on Wed, 02/22/2017 - 20:50

Before going to bed apply cucumber cucumbers many cosmetic effect, this is because the cucumber enough water, vitamins and natural whitening, moisturizing effect of cucumber. Also have the effect of the mask, if the trusted skin care products can be used.

Sunscreen, be sure to do a sunscreen, and isolation, is vulnerable to environmental impacts of skin, causing skin free radicals attack cell metabolism and repair function, cell's metabolites cannot be discharged in a timely manner, the skin becomes brown bear. Recommend sunscreen, moisturizing, whitening, isolating four functions of protective Moisturiser.

Teach you several methods that allow you to banish dark rough skin, tofu made a moist white Shih Tzu!

1, red wine mask against free radicals, red wine mask wine brewing grape pulp contains the super antioxidant, SOD can neutralize free radicals generated by the body, protects cells and organs from oxidative, skin whitening shine.

2 drink a glass of milk a day, alcohol allergy Lady, you can drink a cup of soy milk whitening, cosmetic factor--Soybean isoflavones of soy milk, reducing damage to the collagen of the skin, and endocrine.ageless instantly is the special ingredients cream that combat natural aging,you are not worried about the fine lines and wrinkles on your face,no need to complain the deep skin texture and drooping skin. jeunesse instantly make your muscle in a relax status and replenish sufficient water to be absorbed by your skin.

3, supplemental vitamin c and collagen, vitamin c white, while the collagen to the skin to restore elasticity and shine, so might as well take some vitamin c supplements or foods containing collagen.