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This Garden Hand Tools is exactly a myth

Submitted by Lawnmowers on Wed, 07/13/2016 - 16:59

This Garden Hand Tools  is exactly a myth! Contrary to popular belief, composting is an organic process that creates nutrient rich soil, popularly known as black gold, from leftover food scraps and yard waste.

If done properly, your compost should not emit a foul odor, but rather a fresh, earthy smell.

To ensure that you will have a successful compost heap and experience, here are a few things to keep in mind before you begin:

Assuming you live in a city or municipality that does not allow open compost heaps, go ahead and invest in a compost bin or compost tumbler.

Having one place to add all your organic matter in to will make the composting process much easier, and in most cases will keep the process on a regularly consistent decomposing speed.

The next step is to start collecting organic matter to place into your compost bin.

Food scraps such as cut up pieces of fruit rinds, cabbage leaves, vegetable stalks and coffee grounds make for great composting.

Coffee grounds are especially excellent for the composting process because they act as activators, which create heat for your compost pile.

Just remember to never add meat and dairy products, bones, fats and oils to your compost; these products won't decompose properly, smell foul after a couple hours, and attract Farm Tools pests.