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Fortnite battle royale mode is a constantly changing experience

Submitted by lolgafuyu on Wed, 01/23/2019 - 06:46

The power ups in Blackout take the form of Buy Fortnite Items consumable perks that enhance various abilities. They look like little GI Joe lunch boxes and can be picked up and consumed separately. That means you can use them when it gives you the best advantage. So something like Awareness, which makes enemy footsteps louder, is kind of an all rounder that’s always useful. While Dead Silence, which makes you move a lot more quietly, is best saved to the end to give you an edge as numbers drop. Just don’t forget about them, which is easy to do because you were in hurry when you got it, people started shooting, there was running etc, etc.

Fortnite‘s battle royale mode is a constantly changing experience, with Epic Games often making sweeping changes to the map and experimenting with new game modes. Epic also tweaks the Fortnite experience by removing certain weapons and items from the game and placing them in the “vault” – sometimes forever, and sometimes temporarily. Usually the goal is to try to better balance the weapon or item before adding it back to the game, but other times vaulted items are never seen again.

To date, numerous weapons, items, and traps have been added to the vault, returned to the game, added back to the vault, and so on. As of the time of this writing, there’s quite a few weapons and items in the vault, and some Fortnite enthusiasts may be curious to see what has been removed and if any of them stand a chance at making a comeback.

At the time of this writing, there are three items in the Fortnite vault: the Smoke Grenade, the Impulse Grenade, and Remote Explosives. Smoke Grenades were put in the Vault due to a lack of use by players, but it’s less clear exactly why Epic decided to do away with Impulse Grenades and Remote Explosives. It’s possible that the developers felt the items were too powerful, and are working to make them more balanced before reintroducing them to battle royale.

Epic has also removed a number of traps from Fortnite‘s battle royale mode for various reasons, with five traps currently in the vault. Some of these traps appear to have been removed due to redundancy, like the Ceiling Trap and Wall Dynamo, which are made redundant by the Spike Trap. Meanwhile, we know that the Bouncer Trap was removed due to Fortnite adding more mobility options, and one has to imagine that same reason is why the Jump Pad (Up) and Jump Pad (Directional) have also been given the boot.

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