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Five Secrets To Charm

What is charm? And how does a man acquire this illusive quality. I believe charm to be the ability to evoke emotion in a girl that inspires her to swoon for you, and I also believe that you don't have to be a linguistic master to pull this off, rather it's what is going on inside of you that matters.
Charm can be linked with the ability to talk effortlessly. This is one quality that I pride my entire game on. When I am with a woman, I can talk for days.

Quantum Living Secrets

If you ever find yourself in a situation where you are running out of things to say, then your head is not in the right place and it will be impossible for you to charm anyone and this is always due to your logical mind thinking too much in a situation where you are not meant to be thinking. In short, the ability to charm is the ability to be empty of thought. Simple right?
In any endeavour, there is a sweet spot that you can get into where everything just flows. Sports stars often talk about this moment of flow, where they are no longer using their rational mind to decide their next actions, but instead they are feeling and their minds and bodies seem to be inhabited by something else beyond the thinking mind. It's in this state of being that charm will fall from your mouth like a free flowing stream. Everything you say will just work, even if what you are saying isn't smart or clever at all.
Relax: Easier said than done I know, but if this was easy then you wouldn't have to read this article and every guy on the planet would be happily ploughing through the female gender. You need to be relaxed. I think relaxation is more important than confidence.