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Escorts in Ludhiana

The Escorts in Ludhiana were a class of professional entertainers who were highly skilled in the performing arts. They belonged to a tradition that was centuries old and their profession was passed down from generation to generation.
The escorts were an important part of the social and cultural life of Ludhiana. They were often invited to perform at private parties and public events, and their performances were much appreciated by the audience.
The escorts were also known for their beauty and many of them were considered to be among the most beautiful women in the city. They used their attractiveness to their advantage and many of them had rich and powerful clients.
However, the escorts were not only known for their beauty and talents, but also for their intelligence and wit. Many of them were well-educated and well-versed in the arts, literature, and politics.
The escorts of Ludhiana played a significant role in the city's economy. They generated a lot of income for themselves and their families through their performances and services.
Although the escorts were a controversial class of people, they made an important contribution to the culture and society of Ludhiana.