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Eight tips to keep you full bust

Submitted by alisa on Sun, 10/30/2016 - 21:34

1. No matter what kind of exercise chest movement, the intensity and frequency should be within our capabilities, so as to avoid unnecessary damage to the chest.
2. When buying bras, be sure to choose the right size cotton.
3. If you are implementing KEEP FIT program, we must pay attention to step by step, can not be too hasty, one of the consequences of rapid weight loss is to make the chest sag too early.
4. often like the gym, then we must first know how to protect themselves, to avoid doing some unprotected strenuous exercise.
5. Try not to use too hot water bath, or easily scalded chest delicate skin.
6. hot season, do not let the chest skin directly exposed to the sun exposure.bella cream breast enhancement product is the most healthy safe breast enhancement method by far. bella cream has been recognized by the medical profession, accepted by the love of beauty lady, become a kind of trend of breast enhancement. And it is the best choice of the women's fashion breast enhancement.
7. Master the daily chest massage gestures, but also to clear the chest acupuncture points and meridians, the thymus has a good maintenance effect. Method is this: from the inside out to do circular massage; hands holding the breast, gently shaking a minute or two; gently tapping the lower side of the breast; hands alternating upward from the chest and neck massage.
8. Choose a good texture of the chest skin care products.