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Complete List Of Google Easter Eggs

Submitted by sagasan on Thu, 03/31/2016 - 02:38

Import from compound files and compiled HTML help files Compound document files (*.doc, *.xls, *.ppt etc.) were used by Microsoft Office applications such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint prior to version 2007, but these files Inbox Blueprint 2.0 Review are still frequently used so far. Moreover Microsoft Installer packages use the same compound file format. Compound document file consists of storages and streams to implement embedding and linking as explained in OLE documentation. Compiled HTML help files (*.chm) have different structure, but the content can be accessed using the same IStorage and IStream COM-interfaces. You can open either compound document files or compiled HTML help files by choosing File->Import->From Compound File... menu item.However, stream names can contain any special symbol. There are special purpose \x0005SummaryInformation and x0005DocumentSummaryInformation streams used to store property sets, which can include title, subject, keywords, description, modification date etc. You can explore property sets double-clicking them using a mouse. 

Obviously, you may display property names and types changing list view mode to details. It should be noticed property sets can contain properties of type VT_CF with clipboard data to save thumbnail image information.Virtualization is a way to abstract applications and their underlying components away from the hardware supporting them and present a logical view of these resources. The most widely known virtualization implementations are provided by Microsoft Virtual Inbox Blueprint 2.0 PC, Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 R2, Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V, Vmware ESX Server, Sun xVM VirtualBox, Citrix XenServer Virtual Appliance. To explore VMware VMDK, Sun VirtualBox VDI, Microsoft VHD, XenServer Virtual Appliance XVA virtual machine disk files and Simple Deployment Image files you should choose File->Import->From Virtual Disk File... menu item. You will see a list of virtual disk partitions with volume labels.