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Chibok Girls: A Case To Be Proven

Nigeria and Nigerians as a rule are normally peace cherishing individuals that have been existing together gently among themselves in spite of the varieties of a few broadened ethno-social gatherings spread the nation over. In the historical backdrop of the presence of this extraordinary nation, we have, similar to each other nation on the planet encountered our own offer of viciousness, revolting, political uprising and collective conflicts yet never have we encountered silly, aimless, un incited killings in the way that the feared Boko Haram bunch have been working covering up under the pretense of battling for a country free of 'western wrongs' as guaranteed by the extremists.


The reason for this article is not to address the feared psychological oppressor aggregate that has endeavored hogwash of the security endeavors of the at various times government and demonstrated us in glaring subtle elements with their challenging assault on security arrangements how permeable and poorly prepared our security powers are yet rather to air my perspectives on the generally promoted tale about the gathered grab of 250 young ladies from an administration optional school in Bornu state Escort Services India. I have watched peacefully the rate at which the news of the seized young ladies has spread like out of control fire the country over and the global group on the loose. The entire world grimaced at it with head of states and their life partners out appropriately denouncing such in-human act calling everything kind of names from "weak" to 'brutal', 'inhumane'... and so on.


My reasons are not implausible. As indicated by reports, the 250 young ladies were seized while sitting for a material science exam as a major aspect of the West African examination gathering (WAEC) exams being led at the time. Presently, in the written history of the West African examination board no single school has enrolled an aggregate of 200 female understudies for its material science exams before in the entire of the nation.


We as a whole realize that to the extent training is worried in Nigeria, the west tops the positions with regards to securing the white man's tutelage in the undertakings of present day society. They accept solidly in the copious advantages of training and all things considered dominant part of the kids conceived there wind up in schools for whatever measure of instruction they can get.


The case is entirely unexpected in the north, particularly in the north east where the administration still needs to offer impetuses to the general population to urge them to go to class and much of the time this motivators still don't fill in as enough inspiration to keep their nationals in school. Added to this immense setting is the way that a decent number of individuals from the north east still don't put stock in the instruction of the young lady youngster.


Presently in an express that scarcely has enough young men in senior optional schools, how at that point would it be able to be claim to have displayed 250 young ladies for material science exams?


Presently, we should expect they figure out how to demonstrate me wrong(which they are yet to) by having that correct number of female possibility for Physics, a course which most Nigerian young ladies tend to bashful far from because of its many-sided quality and numerical complexities, why these 'supposed young ladies' the place not enrolled with the West African Examination committee.


Another point to be noted is that to transport that greatness of female understudies from any area you would no doubt require three enormous 40 seater transports (accepting you mean to spasm them in). The sort of transports transport organizations like "CHISCO" and 'Ekene dili chukwu employments.


Presently, regardless of the possibility that they could make this school young ladies stroll through bramble ways into the most profound parts of the wilderness, how where they ready to proclaim this young ladies without raising doubts from neighborhood ranchers who more likely than not been cultivating at the time, or the incalculable number of seekers hiding in the woods looking for diversion. These young ladies are not cows that would relocate without making heaps of commotion, there certainly would be terrified ones among them, and when frightened, human impulse kicks in discharging adrenalin inciting either a flight or battle reaction... what number of were the ruffians that they could effectively escort 250 girls(which to me is a substantial group) effortlessly with no one getting away... indeed, even in circumstances of war, to get 250 hostages in a solitary swoop would have been a huge errands for talented military warriors not to discuss unskilled,sneakers wearing, uneducated guerrilla contenders.


Beside these inquiries that are asking for answers, there are clashing reports by gathered onlooker and even the key of the school who has a girl in the school yet whose little girl figured out how to avoid being seized. Why there were no human setbacks, we surely understand that the feared dread gathering are disagreeable for leaving a trail of bodies in the wake of their operations.


Obviously, not a couple have profited from this publicity.


Put stock in Nigerians and their intuition for business openings. When the news hit town, huge amounts of young lady tyke bunches jumped up the nation over, a huge number of individuals were prepared by concerned people and N.g.o's to challenge the capture of the young ladies. As of late, a pioneer originator of one of the bring back our young ladies amass was offered a succulent government work in acknowledgment of her endeavors towards campaigning for monstrous help in convincing the legislature to take fast, important activities in protecting the seized young ladies.


As of late, it was asserted that one of the young ladies evaded, bearing stories of burden of how the casualties were being attacked, assaulted and constrained into marriage by the activists. She even recounted how some of them have become pregnant... presently, on the off chance that she could get away, at that point she ought to too have the capacity to lead the Nigerian troops back through her escape course to rescuing of her different companions yet rather, her story was instantly circled when in genuine cases her escape would have been dealt with as a security mystery so as not to imply the kidnapers and keep them from moving their casualties to other concealed areas.


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