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bsn gold Pytheon's Skills and Tips on How to Deal with Them

Submitted by upfifayl on Wed, 05/11/2016 - 00:30

Pytheon's Skills and Tips on How to Deal with Them

Push Shield
When the boss uses this skill, he will use the shield to prevent the attack. There will Blade and Soul gold europe be a semicircular attack range on the ground. If the target enters the range, he will be knocked down and receive 6000 damages which cannot be blocked. 

You can move out of the range or Blade and Soul gold europe walk behind the boss and release output. QE Blindside is recommended. 

When the boss uses this skill, there will be a circular attack range. If the target enters the range, he will receive 10,000 damages which cannot be blocked. 

Make sure you stay away from the range before the skill is used. You can also use QESS, Five Point Strike, Raid, Cyclone and other skills to become immune to this skill.

Rush and Hack
When the target is too far away, the boss will use this skill and rush towards the target to Blade and Soul gold europe knock him down and release 10,000 damages which cannot be blocked. 

Please do not stay too far away to the boss. If you are attacked by the skill, you can use QESS and other skills to become immune to this attack.