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Blade and soul gold Boss' Skills and How to Deal with Them

Submitted by upfifayl on Wed, 05/11/2016 - 00:35

Boss' Skills and How to Deal with Them
It will cause 5000 damages and can be resisted by the Block. 

Strong Attack
You can avoid the boss. cheapest Blade and Soul gold If you fail to avoid, you can use the Block skill. The strong attack will cause 10,000 damages.

The skill has two attacks, each causing 6000 damages. You can use the Block skill to block it.

When the target is far away, the boss cheapest Blade and Soul gold will use this skill, which will cause 4000 damages. You can use the Block to deal with it. 

When the target is far away from the boss, the boss will use this skill and cause 7000 damages. You can use Evade to become immune to this skill.


When the stall is activated, you need to press F to pick up the hammer so that you can become immune to the remote attack. You use the hammer to break the hoist and buffs will stack. After all the hoists are broken, you will get a buff called hoist's blessing. You can use the boss to resist the damages released by the boss. When you break the hoist, please stay away from the fire. Otherwise, you will receive 6000 damages.