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The best method for permanent hair removal permanent hair removal method of large PK

Today, that is no longer needed as primitive thick body hair for their own cold, excessive body hair instead become a beautiful burden. Therefore, more and more of the United States who choose permanent hair removal method to get rid of hairy problems. There are three methods of permanent hair removal, hair removal, but the effect is not the same, here with small series with a look!

Electrotherapy epilation: epilation beginning of a lot of complaints

Although once electrotherapy will achieve permanent hair removal, however, and laser hair removal, IPL hair removal, compared to the hair epilation electrotherapy a root process can be slow. So the United States who can see significant results so far, it takes some time.

IPL Hair Removal: Hair Removal number of different views different

Depending on the selected power, shed more than three times only to see the effect of a few. With the increase in the number, the effect is more obvious, the complaint will become less and less.

Laser hair removal: No effect complaints about 0%

Select laser hair removal from the United States who are mostly first start of laser irradiation can see very significant results. After a week of hair removal is better than the other methods, therefore, basically no complaints "no effect ah".

