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To be positioned until the weld

Submitted by PVCwelding on Tue, 11/22/2016 - 16:39

Always Have a Fire High Frequency Welding Machine Extinguisher Handy: Wherever you are working, make sure there is a fire extinguisher present in reach.

If the location does not have a fire extinguisher, bring a portable one with you.

Make sure your fire extinguisher is in working operation all the time.

Wear a Welding Helmet: The welding helmet will protect the welder’s eyes and face from light.

It will also protect the individual from flying particles of hot metal.

The helmet itself fits snugly over the head. It can be swung in an upward motion when the welder is not working on the welding project.

Plastic, when heated, will expend. And when it cools down, it will shrink. If the material is not properly fixed in place, it will bend to the welded side.

In order to keep the shape straight, a fixture should be used. This HF Welder unit needs to be positioned until the weld is completely cooled down.