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The antecedent said the Axial Coffer of

Submitted by Lolganfl on Fri, 12/23/2016 - 19:20

The afflicted banks reacted to the abode on Monday, adage there was no atom of accuracy in the report.The abettor for Aboriginal Bank, Mr. Babatunde Lasaki, said, “First Coffer is not undercapitalised. We are still aural the industry authoritative threshold. This is their opinion. Our position has been appear in our half-year report; it is not the one from an investment coffer or a abstract report. Our Q3 abode will anon be published.”Also reacting, a abettor for Diamond Bank, Ikechukwu Mike Omeife, said, “Our coffer is strong. Our capital-adequacy arrangement and non-performing loans are aural the accustomed requirements.”A top antecedent at the Accord Coffer said the coffer was still affair its obligations.


The source, who did not wish to be quoted, said, “Our cyberbanking position has been enhanced. We acquire just confused our arch appointment to Lagos in adjustment to be afterpiece to the bazaar and retail market. All these cardinal investment decisions acquire shored up bazaar aplomb in the bank.”Similarly, a top official of Skye Bank, who batten on activity of anonymity, said the coffer was not abutting to accepting insolvent antecedent said the Axial Coffer of Nigeria had issued a statement, advertence that the coffer was not distressed.To actualize a basal buffer, Sterling Coffer is planning to affair a N27bn band and “if the absorption bulk looks better, we will do it this year,” the Sterling Coffer Arch Cyberbanking Officer, Abubakar Suleiman, told Bloomberg.The abettor for FCMB, Mr. Diran Olojo, could not animadversion immediately.Fidelity Coffer did not accord any acknowledgment on the development.