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Amega Global Opportunity Review

iBinaryrobot Review 

Amega Global is a network marketing company launched in 2006, backed by 3 different companies to market health and wellness products that are unique in the industry. Located in Delaware this company is founded on 4 pillars of wellness; physical wellness, personal development, financial wellness and environmental wellness.
The product are centered around the study of zero point energy, which uses magnetic energy in healing and general health and wellness. The product line includes: magnetic therapy bracelets, energy powders, facial creams, massage oils and water filtration. With these unique products, Amega Global is promoting a health and wellness option that is about balance at the molecular level of the body and how it is connected to environmental conditions.
The cost to join as a distributor to benefit from the business opportunity starts at the beginner level for $45 up to $900 for a business builder.

The $900 level of Platinum is recommended for anyone serious about earning residual income with this network marketing company. Members can earn income from a total of 8 ways in the binary compensation plan. The payment plan is fair and similar to other companies in this industry.
This is a business opportunity that has the potential to generate residual income for distributors that have the skills to effectively market online. Not unlike all other MLM companies, most who join will not earn a significant income, due to the high attrition rates common in the industry. The reason for this is a lack of commitment to put in some serious work and to acquire the necessary internet marketing skills.