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The 62nd NBA All-Star Game

Submitted by Simon on Sat, 05/13/2017 - 00:54

Today, not only the American audience has the opportunity to vote for NBA All-Star players. Fans from all over the world can log in to the NBA's official website, vote in 17 languages, and vote for their favorite players. Many media describe the All-Star Weekend as a basketball carnival because it gives fans and players a chance to get in touch.

NBA official website reported that the league decided to amend the All-Star voting rules, cancel the center position to set up three frontcourt players, Union vice president Stuart - Jackson announced the news.

NBA official announced that the 2013 All-Star Game will be settled in Houston.

The 62nd NBA All-Star Game (Buy NBA 2K18 MT to play NBA video games) was held on February 15th-17th, and the Rookie Challenge was held at the George-Brown Center. The All-Star tournament will be held at the Toyota Center.

2015 All-Star Game will be the first time the NBA all the players as a voting object to the NBA official website and other major cooperation on the voting platform. In the past, a team usually only provided four players as a candidate to submit to the Union, the league is eligible to run only 120 players. In 2014 this figure was turned four times. And the star week extended to 7 days, allowing players to get a week of rest time, of course, this change needs to be modified on the schedule, will increase one or two back to back game, in order to make time for the All-Star Week.