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5 Best Homoeopathic Medicines for Acne, Pimples and Black Heads

What is Acne?

Acne is a skin condition in which the pores of the epidermis get clogged with sweat, oil and dirt making it a fertile ground for bacteria to flourish in. The bacterial infection leads to formation and discharge of pus making it a painful condition for many and is commonly known as pimples.

Blackheads is the formation of clogs of comedones in follicles of the skin with a black plug.

Acne can effect at all ages and all genders but is most commonly seen at the time of puberty or other times of hormonal changes such as during pregnancy. Although acne is purely a skin issue, it is sometimes a reflection of the internal health of the person and the lack of essential nutrients. Good hygiene practices are also essential for preventing acne and other skin eruptions which we will discuss below.

Types of Acne

There are various types of acne that affect different individuals, some of these are:

• Acne Vulgaris: It is a common chronic skin condition due to the blockage and inflammation of the hair follicle and surrounding sebaceous gland.
• Acne Mechanica: This condition results from heat, pressure and friction against the skin such as from caps while playing sports.
• Acne Conglobata: It usually affects men especially those on steroids or testosterone. It results from the inflammation of nodules that are connected to each other underneath the skin and mostly affects the skin of the back, neck, chest, arms and buttocks.
• Comedones: These are clogged hair follicles with oil and skin that can further develop into bumps and form whiteheads or blackheads.
• Blackheads: These are comedones that open on the surface of the skin and get their black color from irregular reflection of light from the clogged pores.
• Whiteheads: These are comedones that remain closed at the surface of the skin due to oil and dead skin clogging the follicle.
• Papules: These are comedones that become inflamed due to infection and form red or pink bumps on the skin which are sensitive to touch.
• Pustules: These are white or yellow pus filled papules and appear as inflamed whiteheads.
• Nodules: These are large and inflamed bumps that are firm to touch. They are formed deep inside the skin and are usually very painful.
• Cysts: These are large and pus filled and appear like boils.

Top 5 Homoeopathy Remedies for Acne

Homoeopathy has been known to help with acne as it helps bring a cure for this internally and permanently. Given below are 5 best Homoeopathic Remedies for Acne, you can even Buy Online Homeopathic medicines after consulting your physician for the same:

1. Bromium: It is indicated for acne, pimples and pustules and even for cases of body acne. It works especially well in patients who have a history of mumps, goiter or other scrofulous conditions. The discharges from pimples is excoriating and accompanied by profuse sweat and may appear after being over heated or in summers.
2. Hepar Sulph: It is an excellent remedy for acne in the youth with unhealthy skin, excessive sweat, tendency to suppuration and formation of small papules around old lesions. Bleeding from the lesions. Patient does not want to be uncovered and has a desire for sour and strong foods. Very sensitive to touch.
3. Natrum Muriaticum: It is very useful for greasy and oily skin especially where hair is present. Eruptions at the margins of the scalp and bends of joints. Crust eruptions especially behind the ears. It is a remedy very suitable for complaints that result from excessive intake of salt. It primarily affects the hair follicles and is hence useful for acne accompanied by alopecia.
4. Kalium Bromatum: This remedy is useful for acne with pustules. It helps in acne of the chest, shoulder and face accompanied by itching.
5. Juglans Regia: This is a specific remedy for skin eruptions such as comedones and acne on the face. Itching eruptions of rosacea and acne of the scalp are also helped by this remedy.

B Jain’s Acne Care Drops utilize all the above mentioned remedies and are specialized to get an acne free and clear skin. Omeo Acne Care Cream is another Homeopathic medicines online in India that works especially well for acne as a topical application.

It is also advisable to follow a healthy diet and include a thorough cleansing routine for the skin to get results quicker. Omeo Calendula Foaming Face Wash is one such product that cleanses the skin gently and effectively.

Having patience is also essential, as is to remember that this phase will pass and it should not hamper one’s personality and confidence.

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