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Your Guide To Publishing Posts On TikTok

Submitted by vealboozer on Thu, 03/30/2023 - 00:44

With so many options, buttons and choices to toggle, the publication screen for TikTok videos can seem a little intimidating at first. However, we’re here to walk you through all the Tiktok shares kaufenoptions you’re faced with before your TikTok video goes public.You’ve made your TikTok video and customised it to your heart’s content. Now it’s time to get that baby online! The upload options available to you provides control over collaboration and engagement, while giving you opportunities to connect with more people.

On your profile, the cover of each TikTok video is a short boomerang of a part of your video. You can choose which part of the video is used for the cover by tapping ‘Select cover’ on the right-hand side of your description options. Drag your finger along the bar to find the best section of your video for the cover. You can choose to add text in a variety of aesthetics from the bottom of the screen. Tap the text box to enter your desired text. Drag, pinch and stretch on the display to resize and reposition this text.The TikTok description character limit is currently 150 characters, although there is some talk that this may be increasing. The character limit includes hashtags, mentions and videos added to the description, so make sure you describe your video in a succinct and concise way if you want to dabble in these options for increased reach.Use the buttons directly under the description box to add hashtags, mentions and link other videos that are already published on your TikTok profile.