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Importance of breakfast for children

The word 'breakfast' was derived from the verb “and a noun: fast”. It refers to eating in the morning which breaks fasting that occurred due to many hours of sleep. As the saying goes, eat breakfast like a king, one must neither skip it nor do consume the bad stuff. The importance to the breakfast is growing in the current scenarios where parents are scheduled so tight which makes them almost impossible to track whether kids are really eating or not. This is even more distinct in kids under 10 year as they badly need a good nutrition to fulfill the demands of growth and development. Children who actively involved in studies are another group that needs a cautious way of handling when it comes to their morning nutrition. It is sad to note that at least one in seven school children are skipping a morning meal or the breakfast. It is the duty of parents and teachers to monitor and remind kids regularly about their bad breakfast behaviors. Let us look into some benefits and tips related to breakfast habits in kids.

Benefits of timely breakfast
Breakfast Boosts brain power
Breakfast can suppress many undue stress factors that children often suffering from. They quench the hunger in addition to provide a sense of satisfaction by filling their stomach. A good breakfast can boost brain power of kids by calming down the excitatory state of nervous system. Children love food to by yummy, appealing and easy to eat, in addition, their sense organ-tongue can enjoy the real feel that a tasty breakfast can give.

Improves academic performance
Many studies proved that kids who ate a good breakfast on time performed better in many cases as the nutrients in the food helps to rise the blood glucose levels which can charge their body and mind. Optimum levels of glucose, proteins, vitamins, minerals and plenty of fluids can really help each neuron to boost the energy and other requirements necessary neuronal function.

Breakfast improves emotional health
While the whole world is fighting hunger, people are becoming rebellious, antisocial and emotionally unstable because hunger is greatest enemy and a teacher that one could meet with. Eating breakfast fosters thinking, organizational behavior, rationalization, judgment and the personal sense of identifying the truth and untruth of a person or process. It is very important not to leave anyone hunger and the same holds true in children also. Children who satisfy their hunger can be highly productive, sensible and emotionally balanced.

Weight management
Childhood obesity is a burning issue globally. 1 in 5 children is moderately obese while 10% of the kids in general suffering from chronic obesity. Most of us mistake that eating more increases our body weight but the truth is that skipping Breakfast is often referred to as the most important factor that rises body weight. A moderate food that contains balanced nutrition can definitely help to manage the abnormal body weight. A healthy food has a direct influence on the adipose tissues found in our body. Healthy and balanced food adds energy necessary for these cells to actively involve in the metabolism of excess of fats.

Healthy breakfast tips
1. Stick to the constant timings each day, missing out occasionally may not seriously hamper the health but it is not advisable.
2. Involve kids in deciding, planning and managing the various breakfast options and this can give them an opportunity learn and follow good eating habits apart from growing interest to eat.
3. Keep a balance in the diets by evenly adding a variety into them. Carbohydrate-rich breakfast foods. Some of the common breakfast items could be a light oatmeal, whole wheat bread, Fresh or frozen fruit juice, low sugar grain cereals , plant proteins and fats, peanut butter, egg whites and a glass of milk.
4. Use low fat choices when it comes to milk and milk products. Substitute milk products by other items such as dry fruits, beans, nuts, bread, butter, skim med milk etc.
5. Provide them at least 2 glasses of water in the morning which can help to cleanse stomach before food.
