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I am prepared for the down votes

I am prepared for the down votes. In fact, I am a little surprised they've not come already. Each time I do highlight this to RS gold individuals though, a couple do respond like you do agreeing maybe the word is getting out there. I can understand why folks do not see through Osborne's persona. He's always speaking enthusiastically and trying to build up hype. After time though you begin to realise he is only repeating the same phrases without doing anything. Criticism is dismissed rather than reacted to, the hype is a shield from talking any failings and the positive tone makes people who criticise Osborne seem like they are being mean. It takes a while for people to pick up with this.

I'm pretty sure Kingdom Hearts characters stay deader than Zanik. After KH3, that is saying something. I gave up on this show. The mechanics were confusing as hell, and I wasn't even entirely certain who I had been fighting because of each of the clones, time traveling, whatever. 358/2 Days had a lackluster story but RuneScapeplay was fairly good. Re:Coded was awful. DDD was really the point at which the series' story imploded, for sure. I really don't blame you if there had been a huge stretch of the story left to go between KH3 and DDD then I'd have drifted too.

I am pretty sure I got Re:Coded since it was on sale and I figured the remainder of RuneScape were mostly good... It was such a pity. I got without getting more than the minimum points in that system you have. I obviously do something wrong, or missing something obvious, but I HATED the fantasy system in DDD.

I would conquer half a world's story with Riku, then need to keep playing Sora, then Sora would fall asleep, it would award me zero points or anything, ask if I wanted to devote my zero points on things or upgrades or something, and then... wake up Sora back upward. I didn't know what I do wrong or its point. As it came out, not like I was some child struggling with my first videogame, I was like 18. It just didn't describe it very well, I guess.Pretty much everyone hates Coded and much more or cheap OSRS gold less enjoys to forget about it =P. In terms of the drop system of DDD, I really don't think anybody was a fan of this. Even then though nobody liked it.