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Submitted by vbhuhjui on Tue, 07/07/2020 - 02:33

Granite Male Enhancement on bell peppers red peppers sunflower seeds avocado mackerel sunflower seeds leafy green say I got a little distracted because I got excited because it's like you know we need it's like one of those little bit of carbohydrate in the germ but if you have the wheat germ oil it's pure fast you can't have wheat the rice milk right now you don't want to do that I'm gonna do a video on that today and because it's it's streaming low in fat and other nutrients but it is it does have vitamin E though so that's one positive thing but anyway that was a long answer to a long answer I know I distracted a little bit but well I'll tell you what I'm gonna go right to Marlene she's from Puerto Rico hi hi yes I'm here okay yeah what was your question hello hi yeah either them in the last two weeks every week I'm doing a four-day fasting and then one