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How do I contact FedEx customer service?

FedEx is a shipping company that provides its services in multiple countries. You can use it to transport any item to another city or country. If you need any information regarding the services or the price, you can contact customer service, who will tell you the necessary information. You can go through the given information to learn about the methods to connect with FedEx customer service:

Through Phone number - You can dial the FedEx customer service number and talk to a live agent. Discuss the item's details, and the agent will provide you with all information. Follow the given steps to call customer service:

Dial the FedEx customer service number.
Press the appropriate button to connect with the agent.
Share the necessary details and ask the question.
The agent will assist you with the information.

Through Chat support - There is also another alternative method through which you can contact someone at FedEx. You can use the chat support option from the official website and chat with an agent. To use this method, you must fill out a form, and someone from customer service will get to you. After that, you can type your question, and the agent will answer it.